Maslow Software

Ground Control 2022 is the newest and upgraded version of the original Maslow cnc software, it runs on your computer and connects to the machine. It's easy to install and simple to use.

New features:

  • Easier and more accurate calibration
  • Overall cuts are 45% faster than previous versions (40% faster X, Y, and 60% faster Z-axis).
  • Soft Z-axis limits
  • Spindle speed control via S-commands
  • Ability to send G-code commands manually and on the fly.
  • One click installation.
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and Pi

Main functionalities:

  • Connect to the machine
  • Proper and accurate machine calibration
  • Load and position projects on the working area
  • Send G-code commands to the machine
  • Start, Pause or Stop a job
  • Jog the router manually if needed
  • Test the system

Main screen

Connect to the machine
  • Click --> --> --> and select the correct port

Load a G-code File
  • Click --> --> --> and select the project file from your computer

Reposition your project
  • Move the mouse over where you want your project to be placed on the board.
  • Click and hold the left button down till a menu appears.
  • Click on "Set Home" - this will reset the origin/home coordinates and reposition your project.

Start cutting
  • Executes the G-code file loaded and begins cutting.

  • Machine will pause the current job after the current G-code line finishes.

  • Stops and cancels the current job.

Jog controls
  • Click on the arrows to move the router in any direction you want.

  • The router will move the distance indicated on these buttons (e.g., 100 mm).
  • Click on them to adjust as needed.

  • Returns the machine to its home position. X0 Y0 is the default unless the origin has been moved by the user.

  • Macro 1 & 2 buttons will execute previously saved user commands.

  • To save custom commands, go to settings.

  • Macro 1 - Enter the desired G-code or machine-specific commands to be executed when the button is pressed.
  • Macro 1 Title - Is the text will appear on the Macro button itself.

  • Opens the Z-axis control panel.

  1. Distance the axis will move each time the Raise/Lower button is pressed - adjust as needed.
  2. Units inch/mm - click to change them.
  3. Defines zero for the Z-axis.
  4. Sets the upper limit to prevent damaging the Z-axis by trying to move past its mechanical limits.
  5. Sets lower limit.
  6. Clear limits.
  7. Axis will begin lowering until it detects the probe, at which point it will automatically reset to zero (see Touch probe).
  8. Moves the router up (away from the work piece).
  9. Moves the router down (into the work piece).
  10. The router bit will plunge into the work piece at the distance specified in button 1.
  11. Will save values and raise the router bit to safely move without touching the wood.
  12. The router will move to zero.
  13.  ---
  14. Emergency stop.
  15. Closes the menu.

Define Home
  • Moves the G-code origin to the current router Y & X position.

G-code line
  • Goes back/forth one G-code line
  • Click to enter a G-code line number from which the machine will start executing.

  • Moves back/forth the G-code index by Z moves.

Direct commands
  • Enter any G-code or machine-specific command to be executed immediately.
  • If the machine is currently running a g-code job, it will be added to the code queue right after the current line is executed.

Digital Read Out
  • Displays the X, Y, and Z axes' positions.
  • Cutting speed in inches/mm per minute.
  • Job percentage completed.
  • Current line being executed.

Serial monitor
  • Shows connection status, controller, Ground Control and firmware version.
  • Also displays data being transmitted over the serial connection to the machine such as G-codes and machine specific commands.

  1. Loads a G-code file from your computer.
  2. If the user makes changes to the file, the g-code in Ground Control will be updated.
  3. View the contents of the loaded file.
  4. Clears the file.
  5. Resets the main screen (work area view).
  6. Select the USB port to which the machine is connected.
  7. Updates port list.
  8. Begins the machine calibration procedure.
  9. Advanced options (see below).
  10. Runs each motor, (one at a time) and displays on the serial monitor whether it passes or fails the test.

Advanced options
  1. Sets the chains to their default lengths (1650 mm).
  2. Erases data values stored in the Control Board such as the current sled position and more - You will need to re-calibrate the machine after this.
  3. Starts a tool to simulate machine deviation caused by incorrect dimensions entered in calibration.
  4. Resets Ground Control and the Control Board to default values - You will need to re-calibrate after this.

  • Most settings here are automatically calculated during calibration or preset default parameters - Do not change any of them unless you know what you're doing.